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Boat Fees

You must be a Senior member in good standing to keep a boat at TMCC year-round, or a be Winter member for winter boat storage.

How to calculate your fees

Multihulls Mooring: $18.50/ft. ($450/min) per summer season. Includes storage for one dinghy.

Launch and Haul-out: The club hires a crane to come to the club for a one-day launch or haul out, about mid-May and mid-Oct. The fee per lift is based on vessel weight and most boats fall within the
$150-$500 range for each lift.


Pressure Wash Hull: At haul out we also hire a pressure wash truck to clean the growth off our hulls, billed to the users of this service at a flat fee of $50-$125.  Members are not obliged to use the pressure wash service. Both crane and wash fees are payable by cheque or e-transfer on the day of launch/haul-out.


Dry-Sail: Less than 250 sq.ft. ob boat size: $308 flat per season.   Over 250 sq.ft.: $560 flat per season. The boats included in this range are those that can be dropped in and pulled out with a dolly or small trailer. If you have questions, please contact us at

Winter Storage (Members): $0.37/sq ft (minimum $280). This cost is b
ased on boat size (area=max beam x max length (incl. cradle/trailer).


Storage Shed: . $75.00 per year. A limited number of storage shed spaces are available, with members sharing a 4ft x 8ft, about 7ft tall shed, each having the use of half of the shed.

Winter Storage (Non-member): As outlined on the Membership Options page, winter storage is available for non-members , space permitting, on a year by year basis. The fees applicable are: $255 Winter Membership + $2.80/sq ft (minimum $385). Masts must be removed and stored by the boat owner but can be stored on site provided arrangements are made. A limited number of spaces are available and some monohulls are permitted. Please contact 


Confused?  Here's are some examples.

After the one-time initiation fee, a Senior member with a dry-sailed multihull (18' beach cat), will pay $1,038/yr. for summer and winter boat storage and membership. ($450 membership, $308 summer, $280 winter min.)

A member with a 32 x16' cruising cat will pay $1,322/year ($450 membership, $592 mooring, $280 winter storage-min.). Lift by the crane for launch and for haul-out is in addition to the above, dependent on weight of the boat.

Keeping a second boat at TMCC: 
Space permitting and at the discretion of the Board of Directors, Senior members in good standing may be permitted to keep a second boat at TMCC on a season by season basis. Those members are required to pay the appropriate mooring/dry-sail/winter storage fee for that vessel the same as all other vessels.Only ONE vessel of a two vessel owner’s boats will have seniority placement as to mooring or dry sail storage.

Click here for downloadable Application form


Contact our Membership Chair at for more information

All fees are subject to change by a vote of the membership.

Toronto Multihull Cruising Club  • Physical Address: 16 Regatta Road, Toronto ON

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