Visit TMCC
The Board of Directors and the members of the Toronto Multihull Cruising Club extend a warm invitation to those who would like to visit and join our club.
For members of reciprocal clubs, TMCC is a member of the Lake Ontario Club Cruising Association (LOCCA) that acts as a clearing house for reciprocal privileges at yacht clubs and sailing clubs on Lake Ontario. TMCC also welcomes members from other clubs with reciprocal privileges that may not be part of LOCCA. We offer two free nights per 30-day period; thereafter the fee is $15.00/day to a maximum of 7 days. Contact us at tmcc.reciprocals@gmail.com
Visiting vessels are welcome to tie-up at the club’s floating docks (water depth is approximately 8 feet at the outer end, shallower nearer shore). Our Club policy is that boats on the dock should be attended. TMCC also has guest moorings if you intend to leave the boat for extended periods of time. A Duty Officer is available on weekends for direction and more information.
Fuel, pump out and potable water are available at the Outer Harbour Marina, less than one mile to the south.
Our club has basic facilities – 30amp power on the docks (no water), washrooms, shower, telephone (416-461-0028), picnic tables, and gas barbecues. Visitors are also welcome to use the kitchen facilities in the clubhouse. Both the TMCC compound and the clubhouse are kept locked when members are not at the club. When they are open, visitors are welcome to use the kitchen and lounge facilities. The BBQ’s on the covered south porch are available at all times, a great place to cook your evening meal and look out over the water as the sun goes down.We have a combination lock on our 'man-gate' (just beside the main vehicle gate). On weekends, the duty officer can provide you with the current combination so that you can leave and return at your own schedule.
NOTE: Water at TMCC sink taps and hose taps is not safe for drinking! Drinking water is available in the water cooler in the kitchen.